Welcome to PMlib
This Performance Monitor library records arithmetic performance of a user code during its execution and reports a summary. PMlib offers simple APIs to get Gflops values and to display useful statistic information, and is able to use for both serial and parallel environments including hybrid(OpenMP & MPI) codes.
- Measurement of timing for designated sections
- Flop counts is obtained by users declaration or by hardware counters through PAPI interface
- Reporting summary or details
Supported architectures
- Intel
- Fujitsu Sparc fx
- IBM PowerPC
Software Requirement
- MPI library
- PAPI (option)
BSD (2-clause) License http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses
Contributors and Contact
- Kenji Ono keno@riken.jp
- Soichiro Suzuki
- Kazunori Mikami