Polylib is a C++ class library to manage polygon data in a parallel simulators. Polylib provides following functions.
- Loading and saving polygon data. The STL, OBJ and vtk file format are supported (vtk is output only).
- Management of polygon data on distributed parallel environment.
- Search and retrieve polygon data.
- Grouping by input parameter file (text parser format).
- Movement and migration of data between different ranks in MPI environment.
- Annotation of user-defined data for each vertex of a polygon.
Software Requirement
- MPI library
- Text parsing library
$ ./configure [options]
$ make
# make install
See README for configure options.
BSD (2-clause) license http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses
Contributors and Contact
- Kenji Ono keno@riken.jp
- Tomohiro Kawanabe tkawanab@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- Takehiro Tawara
- Satoshi Fuchikami